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Max Kreminski

A member registered Apr 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! It’s been really exciting to watch your game starting to get some of the attention it deserves – hope the early access release is going well :)

Ah, thanks for letting me know! Really like the compilation vids :)

it's always the bees

Nice catch – thanks for letting me know!

Hmm, I've never seen that one before! Mind letting me know which browser & OS you're using (including versions) so I can try to reproduce the issue?

It should be back up now! Some browsers didn't like the way I was loading the Tone.js audio library over HTTP instead of HTTPS. I pushed a fix that seems to have resolved the issue, at least for me.

Thanks! I'm definitely planning to continue working on the game for a while – I'd especially like to add some of the planned events that I wound up dropping to get in before the jam submission deadline.

Thanks for the feedback, and glad you liked the game!

  • I actually made the stardate fixed to the top of the screen last night, but didn't get around to updating the version of the game that's embedded on this page. Should be updated now.
  • Will look into separating the extinct civs and prepending text instead of appending ASAP. I especially like the idea of prepending – could make things substantially easier to follow.