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Thank you, I wondered if I actually wanted to have lust @ her house, but since that hadn't been the case before, I guess I didn't notice any goal requirement indication.
PS- I think you should include a more thorough tutorial for things like handsize, win/loss conditions, etc (like a boardgame). I know this is a videogame, but it's like a boardgame hybrid!
I'm not sure why I didn't win the date @ her house. I had met or exceeded the goal for Trust & Attraction (green total), I had played all my cards. There was a Stop card on the board on 1 Turn Left, so I had to click "End turn". I had Yellow Lust (around 20?) What am I doing wrong?: Do I have to play all my cards? Can there be no Stop card on the board?
Is there a why to get anymore tech cards like Recycle or Devil? (If you toss it in the bin, can you get it back later?)
(Was playing on a Mac & Firefox web browser)