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A member registered Feb 09, 2023

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Hi, I'll write this in English Sorry 馃様

But I would like to leave a comment to the game( I played this on Android)

First of All, I really liked the art style and everything else, I also like to point out that this is a enjoyable game I actually really liked it

Now I would like to point out some bugs that I encountered. The first one was about the attacking animation sometimes it doesn't really register that im attacking and Syahata Is just standing there tanking the hits While im mashing the attacking button, And I think this is only for me but the screen is to big that most of things doesn't fit in my screen in instance the options I have to turn my phone to portrait mode in order to check my characters condition and etc

Now I would like to leave some recommendations for the game (My opinions ehe) 

First, When starting the game it would be nice to add like a little backstory on how the zombies appeared and etc etc 

Second, The Aiming Speed for the gun, it would be nice if it were a bit faster cuz its so slow its hard to aim the bugs and u think it would be nice to add the remaining magazines available for the gun 

Third, I Think it would be nice to add different sex positions and etc

Fourth, I think it would be nice to fix the ui and for the loading screen 

And Lastly, I cant wait for the future updates this game has and this actually has many potential Keep up to good work mate