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A member registered Jun 17, 2021

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New art is great!

I agree with one of the comments below that customization could be fun in the future.. My biggest request would be either dialogue variations or just more dialogue scenarios. Like the interns are nice to Candace if she's nice to Steve (or whatever the first intern's name was), or that guy who wants to book you for a conference room next week, maybe if you're really rude to him he comes to Candace and is rough. Maybe Candace can respond to the things people are saying while she's being used! 

I don't know how complex adding new dialogue branches is but I think that would be really fun.

Of course finished art would be nice but I know that's already part of the plan. Keep up the great work, loving the game!

(4 edits)

This is awesome. I love QB and this concept is even better for my personal tastes. Can't wait to see the final art and have sfx/music added. I'll re-up my Patreon sub in hopes that this game gets more support! Love your work.

As far as suggestions, it would be cool to give Candace response dialogue for the guys who are currently using her as well as IMs. Persistent cum like in QB would be great too, like on the shirt if Candace doesn't take off any clothes, etc. I'll also never complain about things getting rougher for Candace if she's into that!

Editing to add another thought: The "booked you for a conference room next week" message brought up multiple partners, so maybe at some point more than one person at once if they are after different things?