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A member registered Oct 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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If the game autosaves while on a ladder and you load that save, it will cause you to instantly start falling.

I noticed this after being softlocked due to the Rozital scouts bug, so I had no other save to resort to.

Not sure if it's really a bug, but being at zero stamina when an event happens, causes Dr. Kell to constantly pass out, but then the "No, I don't want to go to sleep" message happens, so he just constantly keeps collapsing over and over again until the event is over.

Oh, so you use consequences instead!

Okay, that I am familiar with!

Thanks for clearing that up!

Thanks for the answers!

I'm still a bit confused about wounds though.

If there is no HP or need to track wounds it kind of sounds like there's no downsides to being hurt, so what incentive do the players have to spend juice to heal themselves?

Personally I'm inclined to have wounds work as penalties on specific styles, depending on the nature of the injury.

A very cool game that I'm looking forward to running for my friends this Halloween, but unfortunately there's a bunch of stuff I don't understand. 

How many wounds can your character take? Is the part where it says DANGER your health track maybe?

How many credits do you start with or is the joined stash the only resources you got?

How do you get upgrades for the bike?

How much health do NPCs got and how much damage can they do?

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm not really that familiar with Blades in the Dark. 

Should I maybe read those rules first?

Awesome design!

A very useful addition to FIST!
Today I was a bit stuck while preparing for a game, because I'm bad at coming up with building layouts, but this helped me create the prison complex that I needed!

A few extra types of buildings would be great though!

Hilarious concept!

I feel the need to drop Wallace & Gromit into this! XD

Radical cover!

Well, awesome design in general!

I've checked it and it does indeed seem like a non-standard size!
Maybe it's supposed to be printed and folded like a mini-zine???

The best way to do it is to make sure the size is set to 100% and to print it in booklet format, so it essentially will print two pages on one piece of paper. That way you can fold the pages in half and it should form a small zine! You can staple it in the middle if you want!

It's normal that there is a bit of extra white space though. You're supposed to cut that off.

I sent it your way!


I'm an aspiring graphic designer and for a school project we had to design  a book and seeing as I really like Neon Black I decided to chose that as my subject!

Can I maybe send you the pdf somewhere? I'd love to hear what you think!

Any plans for a print version?

Yes, I am aware of that, but some of the panels are mirrored instead of  rotated.
There also seems to be a difference between the colour and b&w ones.
On the b&w ones 4, 5 and 6 are mirrored, while in the coloured one 3, 4 and 6 are mirrored, while 5 looks fine.

This is a lovely, little game, but the upside down part on the page seems to be incorrectly formatted. It looks to me like it was mirrored instead of flipped 180 degrees, because its completely illegible.

Is there a print version of this???