More of Erika's amazing worldbuilding in the high-altitude ecosystem! One day, I shall solve the mystery of the Sky Screamers (and also find a way to ride one, because a jet-powered flying hammerhead unicorn shark is the most awesome mount and I don't care what anyone says).
Recent community posts
Congrats on 1.2!
I'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the Aircraft Catalogue still has a bunch of bugs, both old and new, and are you still accepting reports? There's planes listed with Dropoff 1, or Fuel 1, and it looks like you made a balance patch to the Bahadur Escort's weapons that only appears in the new builder link but not on the page...
I'm loving this and can't wait to play, but as I dive into the finer details I'm hitting a few artefacts of earlier versions, particularly with the aircraft catalogue & plane builder; almost every plane has some different stats in the plane builder to the catalogue, and the Markgraf Attentäter C links to the Cheetal Fighter profile instead. The plane builder seems to be using an older version of the weapons rules too.
Is there somewhere I can submit typo reports and the like?