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A member registered Mar 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Farmer considers reading in and of itself not to be a hobby. He likes reading. He himself has plenty of books, as you can see in his house. But when someone's response to hobbies is 'reading,' he personally takes that as 'so you don't actually have hobbies.' To him, that would be like saying reading the newspaper is a hobby, rather than a habit.

It's going to be available on Switch soon. We don't have an estimated release time because we've never done a Switch release before, but we've submitted it to Nintendo and we're waiting to hear back. Beyond that, it's always been available on Xbox (and we're patching in support for Play Anywhere, so if you buy it on Xbox or Windows Store you'll be able to play it on the other store as well). We won't be releasing on PlayStation since the cost to do so just isn't worth it for a small two-person studio like us; talked to a bunch of other devs and indie support on PlayStation seems to be lacking. We can't even justify the cost of a dev kit right now.

thank you

Nothing to say at this point


Thank you for playing.

Only two of us are actively working on the game, so unfortunately we cannot commit to a Linux version and maintain both PC and Xbox versions. :(