"Beating a dead horse" means to waste time and effort on something that is futile or has already been decided, or to keep pursuing a topic that is no longer relevant. Someone has already addressed this with me almost a year ago. Even though for some reason they deleted their posts. If you wanted make people understand why there's possibly set sexuality, you could have made a separate comment thread. So it would of been seen before mine. Instead you replied to mine, because you wanted to start up a "conversation" with me. When I made that comment I was new to itchio and thought it was similar to COG. My mistake. People there constantly comment and make suggestions to the authors about their game. Some authors take the advice, some don't. Maybe I'm different, but I don't want to have another discussion about a comment I made almost a year ago. Let it die. If I had known the other person had deleted their post, I would have deleted mine too. But instead I left mine, because I hate seeing only one side to an argument. I asked something stupid and someone corrected me. I don't need everyone else to hop in and repeat the same thing.
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Can y'all please stop replying to my comment. It's been almost a year. It's done and over with. All I asked the author was a simple question even said it's completely fine if they ignore me because it's a HUGE request. I don't need all of y'all repeating how it's a useless request that won't happen and why. The first person was enough. Stop beating a dead horse. I don't usually delete my comments even when I say something stupid, but I'm getting tired of the random replies on here.
Love it so far!!!! Only one small problem. I'm playing it on mobile. When I go to save or load, I can't seem to figure out how to close it. There seems to be no back button so I tapped all over the screen...that didn't work. It seems like I have to completely back out of it and refresh the page. Am I supposed to be playing it on my computer instead?