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A member registered Apr 28, 2017

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Excellent spinoff game that puts the cute characters and text mechanics of Baba Is You into a fun strategy game that is MUCH less likely to break your brain or leave you stuck for hours.  (I say this not to dis the original game, but to encourage players and streamers that fell off of BIY as the levels got harder to give this one a try.)  

[Full disclosure: I picked this up while it was still free. I also skimmed through some of the comments before playing, so I was aware of some of the sticking points and 'secret tech' of the game.]  

...I don't usually write reviews, but I wanted to talk positives before I reported a bug (or, at the very least, an unintuitive  "feature").  Steps to replicate:

1) Start a level with a "stop at each [tile]" objective. I noticed this on Abandoned City (level 17.x), but I assume this is more generally true.

2) Stop at one of the objective tiles.  The sprite will have the little glow to show it counts towards it.

3) Pass to the next turn (this is less about triggering the bug than making sure that it *is* a bug).  

4) Destroy the tile from step 2.  Using a rule to turn it into something else might produce a similar bug, idk.

5) Restart the turn.  The tile you destroyed in step 4 is back, but it no longer counts toward the objective (even though it did at the start of the turn).  You can confirm that this is not just visual by trying to complete the level as if it still counted.  

(1 edit)

Good game. It's best to go into it blind, but if you're really on the fence about buying it, you can find an extended demo for this on Newgrounds.

2 suggestions for the developer:

* Include a cheat to skip the first "cycle" of the game (for players coming from the free version)
* [EDIT: Fulfilled!] Make a Linux version as (mistakenly?) advertised