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A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Quite fun idea. Maybe not the most "role reversal" thing out there, but idea for game is fun and enjoyable.

I noticed few issues: most notably, you can get both sides together way earlier than end of game (but that does not end the game) and very high CPU usage. Considering game complexity I'd say this high CPU usage is a little bit worrying, but maybe that's just because that's Unreal Engine.

Sadly there seems to be an issue with upload, where only executable was uploaded. This means we can't test a game and give ratings. Here, and now. Couldn't add download link cause I got this build too late, but this is exact same version as Windows one.

RPG Maker game, Quite hard to understand and Reference text is not looking like a button to be clicked.

Something is wrong with built game, also executable has been renamed after build, so it won't find proper directory. Renaming it back to My project.exe does not solve issue.

Uploaded file is a game maker studio project file. Since it requires additional software to be installed I can't provide proper vote.

tbh, that was a plan, just with some problems and well not much time during jam we kinda ditched some stuff to get other parts working. We might rework this game into something more sophisticated, but we cannot say anything for sure. It all depends how much time we have and what we can do with our skills. Currently we're just students, so passing our exams and all that stuff is most important, after that we'll see how it will all go.
Anyway I'm glad you liked our "something", cause it is most certainly not a game, maybe a prototype to show our ideas for this one. We also didn't do like half of ideas we had discussed, once again - to at least finish game to some point.

(1 edit)


We are sorry that game has no tutorial or information what to do. There was no time to implement it.

Your aim is to reach end of each level. When you aproach dice rolling minigame you are supposed to press Space to stop it, this decides what dice you'll have available during this level. Screen with information which dice you rolled can be closed. Next is choosing challenge difficulty, each dice shown above three panels with explanation of each difficulty are actually buttons (all dice that are not collored to green, yellow and red) and you can click them, by clicking you choose difficulty of next challenge. Rest is explained in game page, especially controls. Please visit game page before commenting or trying our game.

Thank you

Jest super. Sterowanie czasem się trochę gubi, ale poza tym to się o nic nie mogę uczepić :D

Bardzo fajna gra, myślę że można dodać muzykę jakąś i jakieś dźwięki.

Poruszanie się trochę się "zacina" ale może po prostu u mnie jest coś nie tak, albo build webowy nie ogarnia.

Fajna gra, dosyć trudna, ale dzięki temu daje satysfakcję za przejście kilku poziomów :D

Jeden glitch -> jeśli lekko zahaczymy o inny obiekt to skok się resetuje i w niektórych poziomach da się speedrunować :D

Trochę brakuje przeciwników, ale gra jest całkiem przyjemna. Myślę, że możecie spróbować ją dokończyć dla samych siebie, żeby się sprawdzić. Na pewno należałoby dodać jakiś sposób na reprezentację co się dzieję dodatkowo, nie tylko przez zmianę jasności.

Jest jakaś podstawa gry, którą można rozbudować :)

Podoba mi się wykorzystanie proceduralnie generowanego terenu, jednakże nie licząc terenu i możliwości sobie pozwiedzania go w grze nic nie ma, więc bardzo szybko się nudzi.

Oświetlenie działa przyjemnie, a cykl dnia i nocy wpisuje się solidnie w temat.

Widzę tu potencjał na rozbudowę, jeśli myślicie o tym to powiem, że warto :)

Dodać jakichś przeciwników, jakiś cel gry i będzie coś nawet fajnego :D

Okej, gra mi się podoba, nawet fajne podejście.
Do jednego domu można wiele prezentów wrzucić, ale nie wiem czy to tak ma być czy jakiś bug.


Oooh, very scary