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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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On 0.4 it is a gameover but in 0.5 the game continues to another level

(1 edit)

Most things aren't implemented yet, including endings and the necklace stuff, i originally intended to make the end to cause a loop back to the start, with slight changes, but most of the back end part of it isn't completed.

It is not implemented yet

Hi! Thank you!!

I use unity to make all of my games

Are you using windows or linux


(Their locations should be on the green cubes you see on the image)

Do let me know if you can't find them

There are 3 pages scattered throughout the first level

Once you find them you can find a scene occurring near the walls between the bushes

(1 edit)

There are 3 pages scattered throughout the first level

Once you find them you can find a scene occurring near the walls between the bushes

Alt + Enter

Nice! I'd love to see your art!

Just updated with a skip feature 

Thank you! ❤️

Yes! Yesterday a new update just got released

They moved since the new map messed their original positions, you can still find the mushroom secret and the other one on the first level

Yes, however they only continue on the next update, 0.4 is mainly the update where i set things on the right track and remade a lot of things 

There are 3 endings you can find on the second level, according to the color of the key you find

Guess what i just recovered this week...

You can get another ending by waiting for too long in the forest, but there's only text for it 

Maybe, but futa might be added later on, since it adds more possible combinations to the number of possibilities 

This seems to be an issue with the unity player, for some reason sometimes the warp thing at the door doensn't work when the game in on windowed mode (I seriosly have no clue what is the cause of this, sorry :( )

If i ever find the project file then yes, but a remake with better graphics is on my to-do list

Someday she'll return, don't worry :)


I can't upload images for some reason, but if you press g + 2 at the same time you can skip the first level

Thank you for the feedback!! i originally intended to make the game more intuitive and keep the player from wandering off too much, but also have some time to explore and get spooked which was pretty hard to balance both out.

There's a hidden cheat code that allows you to skip the first level somewhere, which i guess a lot of players missed due to being too hidden

And again, thank you so much for the feedback! i'm taking notes to apply everything on the remake of the game,  it'll take a while because i plan on having higher production value when it gets released, so i'm focusing on getting better at art and coding in general.

-Myst ♡


Thanks! I couldn't fix it :(

Thank you!! something might happen when both are pressed

I think i fixed it, please notify me if 0.3 is still missing

Oh, i totally forgot to fix this bug, thanks for notifying me!!

Maybe you didn't get close enough?

♡♡ Thank you for playing!!

Gtx 550

Oh yeah that pit isn't supposed to be there :( sorry