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A member registered Mar 20, 2020

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Judging from Steam and elsewhere it looks like nobody is currently playing this game.

--- Warning spoilers below ---

I solved the coordinates puzzle and now have a gate which does not open, other objects that you can't interact with. Obviously there is something more to do as I can't visit the hotel. The only possibly clues might be the plaques and flags. The stuff from the shore does not help in any way. The tower also does not allow any interaction. Is it a another case of missing a hotspot somewhere? I have spent ages looking for some action I am allowed, but nothing works. When future actions are not apparent, I start to wonder if a bug might be a factor.

Stuck in the game trying to work out what coordinates to key into mobile phone. No help seems to exist on the web. Seems a shame if there are no clues in game as to where to get values for the blanked out numbers on the letter, and forced to give up.