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MilkGuy MG

A member registered Aug 27, 2020

Recent community posts

i love you so much Dani and i have been a subscribed in your channel and i see your all videos in youtube and i love Balls? game so much please do more of games :) my channel if you want i know my channel is bad :(

ITS A COOL GAME EVER i like it in mobile and in PC and i love you so much please do more

see the video about making this game to know how to go to boss fight

its EPIC GAME with EPIC GRAPHICS and EPIC IDEA and EPIC BOSS FIGHT and i found it in Google Play in my Mobile not in your channel but its so cool and i see your video and you making this game and i love you so much please do more :)

its EPIC GAME and i found it in your channel and i have been subscribed in your channel and i love you so much dani please make more and share it in YouTube

its fanny game thanks dani its a epic funny game