this is a very, very good concept that i am going to follow, but i have some constructive criticism to offer from the perspective of someone familiar with this sort of gameplay experience.
1) the world generation is veeery rough at the moment. call it a skill issue but i can't even get through the gravel pits because of the alternating unpredictable chasms of death and impenetrably-thick walls. it's so, so easy to put yourself into a pit too wide to walljump out of where the only way out is to dig, dig, dig, fast forward to rest, repeat. not fun at all, especially with no quick method of restarting a run. this isn't even mentioning loot that's effectively totally inaccessible due to worldgen.
2) it is far, far, FAR too dark. i know what you're trying to go for by making light sources necessary, but it's literally impossible to see anything that isn't already surrounded by glowplants or holes in the wall. this combined with the eye-searing bloom of light sources makes visual clarity suffer greatly, to the point that even in lit places i'll walk into shade crawlers that i can't see through the VFX. i think giving the glowfruits a slightly wider radius, lowering the bloom, and making them spawn a little more spread out would do some good, as would lowering the overall blackness. having the caves start off relatively well-lit and THEN progress into pitch-dark would probably improve the experience as well and keep players actually searching for sources of light as they progress instead of harvesting dozens of glowfruits to throw like flares from minute one.
3) back to "no quick method of restarting a run," an actual pause menu with options other than 'main menu' is probably the absolute most necessary thing right now. ending up in a pool of dirty water going into shock repeatedly from blood loss and pain effectively ends the run and with no way to start a new one other than going all the way back to the menu, it makes failing early on or with good loot FAR more irritating than it should be. a settings tab to adjust things like max framerate and/or the bloom and gamma would also be deeply appreciated by many.
TL;DR -- excellent concept and framework, but ultimately too player-hostile at the moment to be easily approachable. and this is coming from a noita/baro/zomboid/dayZ/tarkov/rust player. that said, i'm INCREDIBLY excited to see where this goes and i'm going to keep trying it out on and off to see if any of these issues are simply a me problem. thank you for sharing your work, and keep at it.