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Miles Buffery

A member registered May 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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Ill have another play tomorrow and see if i can figure it out :) Keep improving this game as i really like the game style.

Really nice first game. Love the artwork. I think you might need a help page or something to explain the goal of the game and how to achieve it. I started the first level and thought you needed to destroy all the tombstones. I have done it but nothing seems to have happened (maybe bug). Would like to play the rest of the levels to see what the game offers. Very clean first game. Maybe when a ghost goes through the wall, they glow and become transparent. Would look super scary :( Keep me posted

Very fun and interactive little game, loving the amount of emotions that was created by just trying to complete the levels. Overall very good game, keep it up!

Really clean and unique game mechanic! had many laughs with friends trying to survive the endless attacks. Well done and keep developing!