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A member registered Nov 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the suggestion. I think .5 is going to stay, however I plan to add other ways to increase the speed of the game, and make you start with x1.5 speed from the start in a future update.

Unfortunately that is impossible with the current version, but I am going to focus on making cloud saving work in an upcoming version :)

The buy different quantities can definitely be added. As for more walls, we will see how it gets later on, originally I had only 30 walls as max, but I think having a limited amount of walls will create different strategies for setting up defenses, especially when new types of enemies are made and enemy moving patterns and AI is improved. There's already been some strategies made on the Discord, even with the current state. Tower range increase when the towers themselves are upgraded with crystals, but I agree more wall stats are needed :)

It does work, however there is only a chance of multishot activating, which you can improve in the workshop. A bullet is also never wasted, so if the enemy is going to die by a tower, another tower won't shoot at it.

Hello, yes this is something I will work on improving for next version, thank you for the feedback :)

I’m glad that you liked it, and I absolutely appreciated the feedback you gave me earlier too :D That helps a lot, and I hope you will want to play any future releases as well.

That is true, will note it down and look at it for a future release. Thank you.

A lot hehe, started the project from scratch. This demo focuses more on the building aspect, although it lacks content at the moment. This demo serves as a way for me to get feedback and check what players like, and what they think are good/bad. Hope you like it:)

Hello, you are right, I forgot to make the game save when upgrading a building. Right now it saves only when buying a new building, upgrading in workshop, changing name or after a round is ended. Will fix this on next release thank you :) Browsers also work a bit differently, so while testing as an exe file, I only had to save when quitting the application, but that doesn’t work on browsers.

Thank you for the comment. I'll make sure to change the number system and give the option to change to preferred one in the future :)

Development has been on hold for a while, but I will hopefully get more time on my hands soon to continue work:) Thanks for the love

Hello, towers have 20 hitspoint I believe, and no matter what they will only lose 1 hitpoint per hit. They also have a slow hp regen, hope this explains why :)

Hello, sorry for the lack of communication, I am very slowly making progress due to school assignments and other things taking up a lot of time, but hopefully I can spend more time on this game soon. I wish I could give you a better answer :/

(1 edit)

Thank you for the inspiring words! I do want to become much more experienced, so I will definitely be working on new projects soon, After the school semester is done, I'll most likely take a little break, and then we'll see where 2023 takes us :) Thank you again for the comment :D

Thank you so much :) I’ll continue to work and improve on it, I’m planning to add some interesting mechanics that adds to the overall experience

Thank you, yeah it can take a bit of time to get further I agree. Thanks for trying it out :D