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A member registered Oct 15, 2023

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I bought the game last patch for 5$. Do I need to pay 5 more, or its full 10 to get 1.03?

Why would you put fcking Daisy in there??? That sht was traumatic. How could you, John???

I sincerely hope it is. As for now, I'm reading diary of wannabe rapist with several mental disorders.

I guess I'll write a short review of sorts. Liked the game enough to, also disappointed enough to.

So let me tell you this. Act I is great. I decided to play as a villain and first few hours felt like a villain apprentice should felt. Branching plot was also great, even gave me a thought of replaying this sort of game (for the first time). It was great, it was dynamic, lots of battles, some world interactions - good staff.

On the hype I downloaded Act II and, well, I was in for a ride. A very slow, uneventful ride where the goal from all out immersion reduced to just porn. Which is kinda fine, but still disappointing comparing to act I. As a bonus, the whole roleplay reduced to just amount of peasants you slaughter on thy path of coitus. Should be good for good boy/equaliser, but certainly not villain. Neither those final costume changes, nor your"mount" ain't gonna change it. Nor the girls behavioural changes options, especially so hollow.

To sum it up, I'd like to ask developer to remain ambitious. This game will most likely be released as is, and it's completely understandable. But if you ever wish to start anything new of sorts - then please remain ambitious. I can in all seriousness say that your work started on par with some serious titles - as long as writing concerned, at very least. Best of luck, and thanks for being patient with me, had you read to this part.

"It's not about a porn. It's about sending the message..."@ devs, apparently 

The sheer amount of Powers in this game made me change my name to Austin. 10/10 would shag again.

I honestly like this game, but can't help but ask. Why did you chose the music you did? At times it just weird (my own opinion) and at times it feels someone about to die.