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A member registered Oct 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Such a cool game, i really enjoy this a lot! 

very short but cool! I did wish it were longer this was a really cool old web feeling of nostalgia. 

such an unsettling game LOL. it was fun I played through a few different endings

good meaningful game. i loved the sounds of nighttime and the water. 

such a great game! loved it very sad but glad her family is healing and getting closure! <3 

This was super cute. Short but very meaningful.

very cool concept. I definitely want to see how it comes out. I'm still curious about what she is hiding

Interesting little game. the visual of the monster literally coming out of her was great.

didn't do too well, I kept running out of ammo LOL but the replay ability is great. 

This was so good and I loved the puzzles. I got stuck on a couple but was able to figure it out. Great music too! Loved how it ended after everything was figured out.

But my dog died Dx

Overall, a cool game. I did take forever figuring out the plug (as did a lot of people it looks like) LOL the music was very fitting for the game too.

really addicting when you get started. really cute game, the music is perfect too.

such a sweet but sad game :( losing a pet is one of the hardest things to get through </3 at least it was super comforting!

I really enjoyed the old feeling of the game. The quests and plot were done very well.  Awesome artwork/graphics too.  ty!

just played the game. I really loved it, there was just a couple times I got a little lost but was able to figure it out! My definitely more than 6 cats are all safe now <3 

(1 edit)

this was an awesome game! I loved it so much <3 ty!

I am a master chef :D

very creepy, was a good short game!

really interesting game. cool plot a gameplay for a short game. game me nostalgia for my gameboy i had! i surprisingly did awesome killing the opossums 

awesome game lixian! good replay value too for the other endings. enjoyed it a lot.

42 years! too bad honestly, he told me I had pretty eyes :( such an interesting game! 

very interesting game lol. cool experience though, the end was a little weird but overall, it was a lot of fun digging through the rooms searching for blood or other body items.

I was playing this and the whole time I just kept thinking this hits home so much.  you tackle mental health so well and tastefully. even down to repeating the get ups a bunch and having to stop doing everything so you can get through the day.

really cool nostalgic feeling game. very sad end and great story considering the games shorter length. awesome job!

the sounds are just so convincing and really immersive. Glad I played it. wondering if she turned into a salmon and jay was the bears mouth in the deer's analogy? thanks!

such a cute little unsettling game! i liked it 

just played this today, so intense. I really enjoyed the story. Left me uneasy and curious if they went to the pit or not. It was so well done thank you! I'll have to check out your other games too.

very sad ending, it's crazy to think about how insane social media actually is and toxic. thanks for sharing light on these people who are victims of horrible bullying

got the bad ending, was a cool little, short game, funny to try and rack my brain on the vocab too!

very cool little game short simple and to the point and very effective

very cool game, the mazes were challenging enough and was a great amount of creepy!

I got the happy ending LOL, I was coerced by a dead girl! I loved it so much, had such great unsettling vibes and it's cute too. I'm just sad it took this long to find it. it has been a while since I thoroughly enjoyed a game this much. Thank you!

very addicting to just keep going and going.  haven't won yet the clown is better than i am  LOL

very different type of game, cool puzzle and modern feel to it using a youtube like site.

very cool game, liked the old style video quality etc.  I do wish it were creepier would have loved to see the game enhance on the the fear 

very nice game had some cool elements. I literally told him to saw his hand off xD

just played this, was really cute. more unsettling than scary. but I was like no not my dog in the tea!! LMAO a nice short game 

I played this the other day and boy even with all the warnings it got to me. such a great game overall and helps us realize how precious and short our animals' lives are and we can do everything in our power to help them and it's not always enough <3 I cried like a bitch after the first day on LOL

a really cute old feel game, reminds me of aol chatrooms,etc.  Very sad story felt so bad for Liz, it is very hard when people we love move on to new and different things.

Never got to leave my review I played months ago.

I thought this was a very cute and well-done game, I'd be sweating bricks when my light would start going out or that creepy music would start to play. a really fun game that keeps your attention.

So much love for this game! <3