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A member registered Mar 05, 2020

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(1 edit)

This is probably going to be a long comment, but though I never played the game formally it is a very thrilling and scary experience. Good job, you've really made us very proud! But I would like to ask some questions and probably one request for another possible update. But... Where the hell is the bathroom in the house? In the many let's plays and playthorughs that I saw there's no bathroom, and probably as a plot-twist would be the mother hiding in there, crying cuz her husband got killed (or probably eaten) by Mr. Hopp. 

Sorry, but I just really got caught in the plot that I enjoyed it! I would love to see a sequel of the game too. Well, I'm new here and I don't want to be anymore of a meddling girl so bye! P.S: Keep up the good work! :)