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A member registered Dec 30, 2020

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there’s a device called an SD2IEC. It connects to the Commodore 64’s disk drive port (IEC Serial) and lets you load disk image and program files from an SD card. It’s not perfect drive emulation, but it loads most games easily. It’s an open source standard, but the future was 8-bit sells completed devices. I hope that helps! 

It works great on a real C64 with an SD2IEC drive emulator! You’d probably have to do some extra work to get it onto a tape. 

I've had the same problem. I also seem to have the additional problem of not getting it to boot past the language and Refresh rate screen. It's not dead, but something weird is going on. Any thoughts? I'm gonna try PCU. Thanks for that lead. :)

I'm loving this game! like someone else said - I'm not usually an RPG person, but it's so cool to see something like this on the C64, and you've made it really easy to follow compared to many I've played. 

I am having a progress issue though. I seem to have run out magic power and I'm at a spot where I can't get further without it, and can't  force resting to replenish it. Is there another way to replenish? 

I also can't find a place to use the pillar candles to meditate! I'm planning to start over anyway once my EasyFlash 3 arrives and I can play it on real hardware, so I'm mostly curious. I can always just be more careful with it next time! Thank you!