Images don't load for me either, when I go to the images site, it says im blocked from the site which is fun, but if I post the link here in the comments, it loads?
Cleared cookies, and same deal
A member registered Aug 26, 2019
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Project Brood v0.4.4 (The Save Update) comments · Posted in Project Brood v0.4.4 (The Save Update) comments
Interesting, My resolution was 2560x1440 144Hz monitor with Gsync
If I set my resolution to 1920x1080, I have total control over the game it seems
So that was my fix, I loaded the game with 1920x1080 as my resolution. Found the settings in the game, and turned off full screen. Quit. Set my resolution to what it normally is, and that worked out (I wanted it windowed anyways :p). Hope that helps both of you out!