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A member registered Aug 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback
I planned to block the resizing option but simple forgot. This cursor appearance and not scaling texture are caused by that.
I haven't really thought about deactivating window, either. This bug really went under my radar.
I personally think that disabling collisions is a nice feature, but it definitely should've been implemented on button press and not on window deactivation.
and yeah 1.5% increase of speed after each bounce of the ball is a little crazy :P

Oh and I really need to investigate this cursor loading

Thank you :)

Yeah, probably speeding up ball by 1.5% each bounce was a little bit to much. It gets like 10 times faster in the end game

He is a hospice patient and his past is unknown :)

(2 edits)

I' ve used default installer project from visual studio It probably requires admin rights for .dll files that must be extracted to your system32 folder. There are so much more I could do: granades, new enemies, different guns. Sadly I didn't have enoght time -I am quite new to directx programming and whole set up took me a long time.

Edit: I've added version without installer - it shouldn't require admin rights