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A member registered Mar 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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there's also a fun bug where if you sandwhich a ball between two players who are pushing on it, they can both reach 0 points and have the win screen display "Player # wins" with the ball stuck infinitely flashing colors. it is not possible to use the 'back' button during this softlock.

I've noticed a neat glitch, if a player weighs a ball down by gravity and it reaches a high enough speed, it'll clip out of bounds. Same for going upwards.

Yeah I'm a little bit disappointed. Not sure if I just need to go about it a different way or if there's just no way the client subs or bottoms.

One of the maps ended up with the goal in a bubble that's impossible to get to, but at that point I was just letting it lose to see new maps. 

This one's a really neat twist on snake games

Cute game! Are there any plans to port it to the android store or steam?

Thank you for not gating people into a reset when they go above par. I really like the idea of low pressure games where I can just do that on purpose. I probably could have put more effort into it, but I got 352/233 as my final score and I'm pretty happy with it. 

I really enjoyed this game, thank you for putting it out :D

Thank you so much!! I didn't see unfortunately, so ty for responding

My theory is that the difference in 'ending' depends on leaving/staying and the like with Ollie?

I actually wanted to approach on twitter if the soundtrack could be uploaded to youtube or something. There are segments I would probably listen to on repeat.