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A member registered Jan 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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KARLSON community · Created a new topic game wont download

My friend tried to download the game, and it stopped at 10 mbs please help

Do you mean Chrome OS or browser?

Chrome OS? Or browser?

he is already creating a multiplayer

I beat the entire thing in 20 seconds

fite me

win rar isn't required, you can use 7zip or something

Win Rar isn't required, you can use 7Zip like me.

You must extract the .zip folder into another folder. Keep everything you extracted there including the .zip folder, then double click the .exe or right click it and click "Open".

What do you mean? Please be specific and I can help you.

Give a log, maybe be more specific then I can help you.

You need to have the .exe in the same folder with the karlson data folder and stuff. Keep it in one folder and extract there.

keep clicking out the game, please add fullscreen