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A member registered Jun 12, 2021

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(1 edit)

A really cool short game,
I like the music and the style. Although there is not really a tutorial, you can figure it out what to do :D

I like this theme:
if you are thrown in the cold water and dont know what to do.
You need to explore and find all the mysterys by yourself in this dream world.

The puzzles were very various. Some are difficult where as others are easy peasy. I like the aspect of going anywhere in this game. So as a player you can decide if you want to do this puzzle or go to a different one.

I really like the atmossphere and setting. It gives me these dreamy vibes. Something what isn't from the real world.

I like the character and the style of it. (I want this sweater xD)

Although there wasnt really a story I think you may can interpret something as the player. So not the games tells the story, the story is being constructed in the mind of the player. The enviroment, the floating eyes, and the character are varoius impression that can impact and expand the story of the player.

Keep up the good work :)