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A member registered 70 days ago

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this game is beautiful! the art is amazing there are so many options and different endings i was shocked it was a demo this game is really good i couldn't believe it was free (im glad it is tho bc im broke ;-;) the details are amazing but i do think at the beginning where its just black is a little to long i skipped threw only knowing that my cat was missing...<SPOILER) to help reach out and support this game ill recommend it to a youtuber i love to watch that i know will like this game. i wish to see the update's for this game! as i also am a artist i want to do fanart for this game defiantly a favorite game of mine now please reply to this when theres a update!!  

we love harvesting all 3  <3

im reading the comments HUH-馃槶


yes i just got a laptop and got a game and it worked perfectly some games just may not work is what i think