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A member registered Oct 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi. The next chapter will be from the perspective of one of three characters. It's also an optional chapter :3

(Btw: it's best to ask questions like this on the development blog on tumblr too, for more people to see, in case they wondered the same)

thank you. And hey, it's all for the immersion. :3

Thank you :D

I hope I can get the update out at least this year... Right now the horse-names keep getting in the way >_> (I'm not kidding, the code to check your horse's name for achievements and flavortext reasons is by now nearly 15k of code... the chapters are usually around 25k words with code)


:D I'll do my best to update. Life got in the way quite a bit, but things are going somewhere. And a heads-up: The next update will see an overhaul of the UI (switching from Twine's harlowe language to Twine sugarcube, because better menu and more save-slots), so you'll have to replay from the start. But it will be a prettier (ymmw though) layout, and more name-shenanigans... <3

<3 thank you

<3 same to you.

PS: Also, if this helps a bit more: Every pre-mature ending comes with an achievement

Don't worry, that is a cliffhanger. Next chapter will be a non-interactive one from the Pov of one of three ROs as they set out to rescue MC.  I just need to fight off the writer's block Dx

i hope so too. it's been so long, and it's getting frustrating to not make any progress >->

hopefully sometimes next year. I'm sorry. life isn't going my way for a while now, and it's resulting in a massive writer's block. I hope that I can sort things out (it's mostly financial stuff) and go back to working on the game proper. BUT: next update will see an overhaul of the design (which means you'll lose your saves, as we're switching to a different coding format in twine), more safestats, and I'm aiming to have the next update go from ch7 to ch10 :3 It will also introduce a few more ROs

:3 Also, some might be surprised how queer the 'old west' actually was...

yes. while some characters will have a bit of a time wrapping their heads around the concept, romances are open to everyone.

you can. as of now (ch6 in the playable version) lynwood, charlie, tommy and seán (only together), and mrs meadows are romancable, with four more ROs to come down the line. maybe 5 if i find a reasonable way to have a potential character in the story.

<3 :3

very nice :3

Hopefully soon. I'm currently stuck coding hijinks with the names...

:D also, note: with the next update I'm switching to a different coding language on twine, so you'll have to replay from the start ^^; But it looks nicer (and has more saveslots)

thank you. Next chapter, (mild spoiler) won't have any choices, as you'll play as one of three ROs... (because your MC is out cold)

heh. well, not to disappoint you, but they're not interested in you in any way you might like

gratz :D Hope you enjoyed it so far.

I do have a discord, but due to certain things happening, I usually just give the link to people that follow the dev blog on tumblr for a while. (once bitten, twice shy)

It's still being worked on. (Had quite a massive burnout due to irl stuff, so, there's the culprit). Currently porting the version here from Twine Harlowe to Sugarcube, making it look better :) I hope to get a major update out by june/july (aiming for national cowboy day)

He's got an image over on the development blog. It's in the linked post when you click on his name :)

thank you for the comment :)

As of now you can 'only' flirt/get together with Charlie, as you already know each other well. With the others it will take a while longer, as you've just met them and at best know them by reputation.

Thank you for the nice comment. :D

And no, they won't. Not in the 'you can romance everyone' way, but in the, the others catch on quickly and are a little suspect when you go flirt with them

thank you :D and yes, Lynwood is a possible romantic option down the line

:D nice

:D Great. Oh, have you tried naming your mc after any rdr2 character?

He's not even a himbo XD (there IS a term for charlie, but I forgot)

<3 I must admit (again) that I am baffled how much people like Charlie. Ain't complaining, just surprised

Of course. Life hasn't been kind to me the past year, so I didn't had much time/mind to write. But I'm working on it. It will be updated on dashing and here, and there should be a writing stream soon (check the dev blog for info) :)

<3 sorry it's been almost a year since a proper update. Live really got in the way Dx I'm trying to have ch7 out before the end of the year, and also move from twine's harlowe to sugarcube to make it look nicer

<3 I'm trying my best to get the next few chapters out, but life is being a mess. So, be patient please ^^; sorry

oh dear D= well, at the risk of disappointing you... they'll be fine-ish....


you will. preacher's an RO

:) Thanks for reporting it.

That might be the culprit then. the variable is a new one, so maybe the save got corrupted due to that. Sorry.

Thank you. I still can't reproduce the error. Did you start from scratch/cleared your cache or is this a loaded save?

This is strange. I can't reproduce the error, and all of the code looks to be in order.

Could you click on 'error' and screenshot that?