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A member registered Jun 15, 2020

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Thank you! Look forward to updates for Kanji and Vocab in the coming weeks/month as well for Alpha users!

I am not sure when/if we will have open another pre-release beta, but the full game should be coming out in the fall!

Thank you so much!

Hello! This a bug that seems to be happening to a limited number of users, but some of them have fixed it by manually updating the game. I am pushing a new update as I type this, so later tonight or tomorrow morning can you try to download version 9? If it doesn't automatically update, on the itch desktop app hit the gear next  to launch, manage, "check for updates" (or something like that) to update the game.

If you are still having issues, can you please report it in our discord?

Hello! Yes, during alpha testing it is unfortunately normal to make changes to the core programming of the game that break previous save files. As much as possible we will try to avoid this, but due to the nature of alpha and beta testing, it's possible it may happen again.

Once the full game releases, this shouldn't be a problem, though!

I am so sorry but the linux version is bugging out! The debug version is working fine, but when I deploy it's no good. Will work to fix this ASAP! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Trying to get it up tonight, thanks! Check around 7-8 pm CST!

Sorry, I am not sure what you mean. Could you join our discord and ask for help there?

The bottom left building in the tow

Thank you!


Please try the latest version

New build coming this weekend!

Yes, that's right!

That's right. Expect an updated version by the weekend.

(1 edit)

I am really impressed you all even found this lol

Ahhh I legit think all the attention broke the server with all of the attention from Tikotok lol! I am going to try to put out an emergency patch in the next day or two.