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A member registered Feb 22, 2019

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(1 edit)

I was planning on replaying this anyway after finals,,,

but to my surprise the game got reworked and a NEW XYX ROUTE?? I love it. I love the new content and the boys' new look <33 The relatable Xyx has quickly made it to the top of my list along with nightowl (but I still love quest and toasty as well).

unfortunately all of my saves have deleted themselves, seeing as I discovered this info before the new patch today :,) but that only serves me the pleasure of playing them again! is it wrong to have wanted to play xyx's route again already??

this game has made it to my all time favorites and i give a round of applause to everyone who has made everything in this game possible. one of the best presents for the holidays <33


onionthief route when??? /j

yes he has his faults like in nightowl's route but he did genuinely apologize and I'd love to imagine what it'd be like to have a route for him. not necessary ofc I love the game how it is. just a penny for thoughts ig??? anyway, keep up the great work and have a happy holidays everyone!!