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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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I don't know why but despite being suicidal, I didn't feel anything. This is written well though. Deep.

You can download on Steam.

Just choose the options that are subtle and don't make him uncomfortable. Also tell him about what Dio did.

I thought it was a nickname.

I love your games and art sm definitely going to read this.

Really excited to play chapter 1!!

Wdym no auto save???? There is! The game auto saves at every choice.

You're right. Everyone is most probably exaggerating. It's not as much scary as I expected it to be. Using weird loud noises doesn't make something scary.

Same. The audio level when the noises got very loud got a bit unbearable for me and made my heart stutter a bit but I pulled through somehow. It wasn't scary, the sounds only caught me offguard.

Damn, me too