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A member registered Aug 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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Nothing could prepare me for this entry.  Well, maybe the GIF on the game page, but launching the game definitely brought the largest smile to my face: very adorable!

I was instantly intrigued by the set up, and found the approach really uniquie, but unfortunately I couldn't figure out what to do.  Loved the clean aesthetic and layout of everything, but I needed a little more guidance on what to do.

While at first I found the controls challenging, I really started to get into the gameplay.  The idea of having a box you could drop on a cool down was brilliant, and I loved the balance of how and when objects dropped as platforms.  It feels a little slippery to stay on, and it might be easier to read where your character is with different lighting and a drop shadow, but this was a great gameplay loop with a brutal challenge.

Nothing has filled me with so much dread and panic as what happens instantly after you exit the splash screen.  The chaos is pretty hilarious, and yeeting the cats to safety is pretty fun, but it definitely feels like there needs to be more of a ramp up in challenge, but I loved the idea.

I loved the updated retro feel of this entry, and I loved how it played like a Bullet Hell Vampire Survivors.  The sound effects and aesthetics were awesome, and everything read extremely well, making for a hard yet fun challenge dodging around the box.

This is a great concept!  The claw controls extremely well, and I was surprised at how I was able to grab exactly the creature I wanted without physics freaking out.  Also the aesthetic and music choices were amazing!  I wish there was more strategy, but what WAS there was more than enough to swipe my heart.

Loved the art direction and use of the box theme!  Also, the main character and all the assets looked great!  I wish I could interact with the drink boxes more, or that that was more of an apparent goal like pushing the different drinks to different areas, but still it was fun to be in this world!

This was a great use of the box, and definitely a huge challenge!  Loved the idea of a tower defense where you have a limited range of vision, but I felt like the collision detection was a little frustrating on the arrows.  I loved the chill vibe of the music, and the sfx made me laugh.

The lighting and use of assets were amazing in this!  I was a little unclear on the objective, and the tank controls felt a little strange for the camera perspective, but I was really amused at the concept and execution!

This concept was really great, and the execution was really polished.  Loved how consistent the physics were, and the arc showing the trajectory was really cool.  I wish more obstacles showed up, or maybe if there was a puzzle element that only allowed you to place a certain number of bounces, but there was definitely enough challenge in the game without it!

This was the RTX frogger the world deserved.  Loved the art direction, and while the jumping took some getting used to it ended up being very fun with a lot of control in the jump.  The opening cinematic was delightful, although I did find several ways to stay in the lava without getting hurt.

This is a really elegant take on the time management cooking games!  I was able to pick things up pretty intuitively, and loved the mechanic of keeping the potion pots at the right temperature, but at a certain point I ran out of ingredients and had to reset.  

This was awesome!  The use of the box was incredibly creative (day I say... OUTSIDE the box?) and the movement mechanics felt so good.  Loved how you got to place the obstacles yourself, and that they were of different types.  Great sound effects, game feel and presentation: absolutely loved it!

The Rock is really the foundation of the piece... or just what came up when I searched for a free 3D model of a head.  Good eye, hahah.

I didn't get to play it personally, because I am too young, but I sent it to my Grandpa and he told me it was 'extra' and 'a weird boner.'  I told him 'weird flex but ok,' and we laughed and hugged until the tears came.  GOTY.

@XanderHD I was pretty surprised to be honest, hahah. I finally got a chance to check out your game. I liked the sense of scale I got from letting go of the trees. How do you collect the stars? Looking for things in VR is actually pretty fun. I might try out more of that kind of stuff in Outside the Box.

@XanderHD Hey, thanks so much!I'm just impressed I was able to do anything in Unity, hahah. Your game looks sick: can't wait to try it out!

@The Stairfall Institute Yeah, I agree, it is disappointingly short. I wanted to make it keep going where you exit the room and end up on the table with the house to solve some more puzzles, but I ran out of time/reached the limit of my Unity knowledge. I used some assets which I listed in the description, but I also modeled a few things (I know a lot more about VFX and 3D than game programming). Your game looks really amazing and hilarious! I really want to try it out! Likewise, thank you for putting in so much time and effort on making free stuff for the community!

I'm not promising this version is good... or even usable... but...
Use the 'Q' and 'E' keys to shrink and enlarge. Also, you will probably fall throw the world a bunch and find objects that don't have colliders, hahahah. Use at your own discretion.

I'll see what I can do tonight when I get off work!

I actually dont know how to code at all? And made this project using Playmaker. The process is pretty simple, for the larger copies I grabbed where the smaller object was in space and multiplied it by 10 (or .1). Only one of the objects actually has physics/can be grabbed. I hope this helps!