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A member registered Jan 03, 2021

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You should do this to elden ring, skyrim or another souls game. The system that you made is so good and it is a great mix of old and new. The game feels so similar to the original yet a little different. I went around expecting enemies and when i didn't find them im like wait am I lost and then I see something familiar and im let oh yes, I am on the right path.

Hello. My steam deck comes in tomorrow and I just found out about this wonderful remake yesterday. I was planning on streaming bloodborne to my new steam deck but If I can run this on there that might be even better since that wouldn't require any Wi-Fi and I could take this on the go. I believe that since the file is a .exe it is requited to use a program like wine to run it so when mine comes in I will do some messing around and see what I can get to work. If you have any sucess with using wine let me know and If I figure it out I will try to explain that way we can both get to playing.