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A member registered Sep 20, 2021

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As a fan of your games I very look forward to this new game of yours! But I have some suggestions. I hope you could be able to avoid a deus ex machina esque type of ending such as the one in once in a lifetime. It was good and all but it felt too much of a chosen one or child of the prophecy type of story which made it pretty predictable. I could assume that this game would go through a similar route yet differrnt. It would also be great if you avoid making it feel like the mainstream isekai harem genre since the game already feels isekai ish and obviously has a harem. I wouldn't mind whatever you would do with the game since this is your world and you can do whatever want to, these are just some of my suggestions. If you've already planned everything out then please don't bother trying to take these suggestions to heart.

Also when I try to check on the points of a character it sucks me in there and doesn't let me out, just a small bug I found that would probably be easy to fix (or not, coding is a pain)