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A member registered Jul 27, 2023

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Will definitely have that for MechJam V.  I added a comment with some pointers. Thanks for checking out the game!

A little late, but for those of you still checking things out:

Q - "super shot" for your team. Much more damage for 15 seconds

W - spawn a super mini-mech

E - Shield for you main mech

R - Repair a portion of your health (red bar)

T - select a new skill

A (lightning bolt skill) - Super skill that...??? :)

Red Bar - main mech health

Blue Bar - Allied Base health

Earn new skills after destroying 5, 15, 30, and 65 opposing units.

Thanks! There are definitely some "features" that we didn't intend :) We'll get them polished up as we learn more about Unity and the related assets.

Repair probably give too little. I think we only coded it to +25 or so, definitely not very noticeable.