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A member registered Mar 06, 2021

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I'm honestly scared what more this comment section will bring. I will not be suprised to see somebody reply to this comment with a Lulu with a dick.

You can fish in the Market Pond or the Lake

Either location works, but easier to get while gaining a lot of fish is in the Market Pond.

I did find ways to gain money via Guild Board and foraging, and I already bought all the upgrades for fishing and obtain all the skills.

Even if I bought reinforced hooks and fake lures and obtaining the wooden fishing rod, I can only ever fish in the market pond and still get a one second remaining timer with Redeyes. 

I mean, reason why I love this game is not only the story or the characters but there is a fishing mini game. I love fishing mini games xD

I'm having a hard time with the fishing mechanics in game. I've finished the prologue but the time where I spent fishing is one of the most agonizing experiences I've done. I may have forgotten the fishing tutorial, but without any step by step tutorial video of how to fish I am stuck with only fishing in the pond with a one second remaining timer catching a Redeye or the Lost Boots.

I'd be definitely pleased if somebody sends me a rundown on how to fish.

Note that I am using a low-range end phone, so that is probably why fishing is almost impossible for me to do judging my specifications.