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A member registered Dec 23, 2022

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If I remember correctly, those two you can only get near the end of the game. One involves the red gem and not putting it where it belongs and the other involves the final boss and the hands that come out of the ground. I would say the names but I forgot them.

Late reply but you gotta hold down S or the Down Arrow.

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You gotta do the stuff in Hoarder's Passage. The scene you're looking for is with the final boss of the area. If you've played the Sasha route and you came across that mermaid looking creature it's sorta similar to this one. Anyways, you have to lose to the boss to get the scene.

I look forward to seeing what is added in the future. I know that you're working on a different game simultaneously so I'm sure that's one of the reasons updates are taking longer. I wouldn't know myself since I'm not a game dev though. But yeah, keep up the hard work, I'd love to see how you continue working on this and Vivid Dead.

Very good game like your other game. I am hoping to see what comes next.

(1 edit)

Absolutely enjoy this game. Very good. I am just hoping that it isn't cancelled or finished given that the last update was over a year ago. Would love to see more content.

(edit: I see that the last devlog was a year ago but the last update was almost 100 days ago. Still would love to see this be updated again with more stuff added.)