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A member registered Feb 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'll try my best to answer any questions you may have be it anything related to the game and it's development!

Fogblind community » FAQ · Created a new topic Release Date

We have set the release date to be in this year 2024 December 13th Specificly because of Friday 13th ;)
We set it so far to ensure all known bugs are fixed and features added however there'll be lot to come after release too

Thank you very much!

It was such cool simulation to watch and to interfere with nature itself!

I really love this simulator it's good, add more things to it and it'll be awesome!

I hope you guys will finish and put much stuff in the game I really loved it!

Wow please finish the game it has great potential! I loved it :D

Very fast and fun!  Great job!

It was so much fun with very good arcade feel to it!

It was so much fun with very good arcade feel to it!

Such a fun game with lovely art style ^^

Such a great game concept and it was funny and fun to play!

Absolutely lovely game I really liked the concept it was fun and funny :D

(1 edit)

Loved it very much such good game feel, nice sound design its awesome and the game is fun!

I got 206 score it was amazing I love it!

Yeah It got way more complex than I first anticipated it to be XD
Thank you for giving it a try :D

Thank you :D
There is not much new just some fixes and some quality of life additions

Thank you very much, yes i plan to make it a full game!

I'm really happy that you like it!

Thank you so much for playing!

And thank you for the playthrough! 

Oh yes now i see actually i made a mistake and hide the after game jam fixed version where the canteen is fixed sorry

Thank you so much for this amazing feedback and video!

Actually yes i made an update where it's all fixed hydration level is much nicer and the canteen is fixed too! roads are more visible and notes give more info!

Also many bugfixes, but the problem is Unreal Engine for some reason breaks the Ai and I can't get it working sadly but I'll keep trying to fix it!

Thank you

Thank you for the gameplay video

Thank you so much for playing and making a video of it i had fun watching your video!

I learned much thanks to you!

I'll definitely drop a fix on the map and the resolution of the text (also a readable version) and the hint where you start at, it is actually explained in game why you get so thirsty so quickly!

Thank you so much again for playing!

Thank you very much for the for feedback!

Hey everyone, I would like to announce that I'll continue developing the game because I have greater plans with it. Since this short playthrough has an ending but that ending isn't of course the real end, because the story will continue right after it!

What am I planning to add? You may ask. Well here it is:

  • Full survival experience (hunger, thirst, diseases, crafting)
  • Bigger more open map
  • Stories (both one major one and side ones)
  • More monsters
  • Multiplayer Support (right after completing the tutorial)
  • And probably many more!

I really hope that I'll be able to finish this game but of course there is a long way to go until then.

Thank you so much for everyone who tried this game, i had much fun making it and I'm eager to continue working on it!

Omg it's so cute and sweet, love the art style especially! Music is charming too!

Wow I enjoyed it so much!

Music was entertaining and fast just as gameplay over time!

Love it!

Thank you very much! ^^

Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback!

You did an incredible job!
I just love it aesthetics are amazing, concept is wonderful as well as the use of the limitation!

Very good game!
I love the art style it's definitely unique!

it's a bit hard though maybe I'm not very good at it but i really enjoyed it!

The use of the limitation is also good!

It's difficult to control but it was fun!

Thank You I really appreciate it! ^^

It's a really nice game I had fun playing it!
it crashed after level 7 sadly but still It was amazing!

I don't know what's going on but I had a good laugh!
I like the craziness that goes on here!

Thank You so much for Your feedback!
I'm planning to give it more polish and actually some gameplay elements too, and more story