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A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this, completed it in one sitting (45 mins), got it from the Ukraine Bundle. I liked that each world looked unique, the snowy world was great!


-On the moon world the textures took a second to pop in

- I was able to finish levels with the ship half hanging off the landing and even upsidown in one case (felt like it should have been a fail)

yeah that’s fine

thanks, glad you liked it

really great idea, like a 2 part pzzle. I found it hard to control both running and jumping and placing platforms at the same time because of the controls. If I could jump with right mouse and place platforms with left mouse that would be perfect

This was ok to play. Needs a lot of improvement though

- I couldn't rotate camera(or wasn't given the information on how to)

-The UI for Pause and Score were half off the screen for me and there was a touch controller pressent even though I was on pc (very easy to disable that when a mouse click is detected)

- I hope this helps you to make improvements

fun little mini game. like flappy bird. I think the points should just go up everytime you pass the maces... like flappy bird does when going through the pipes. 

Fun little game. I found the controls to be really awkward though. I much prefer WASD instea of arrow keys. seems like it would benefit from having a kill floor too so you don't have to press R to reset.