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A member registered Jun 30, 2022

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(2 edits)

Name: Iriis 

Animal: Dinosaur 

Transformation: Irris stomp it up

Detransformation: Quiet down 

Miraculous: Flower headband

Abilities: Prey freeze, stomp, roar, Can shapeshift into different species of dinosaurs.

Power words: Prey freeze.

Superhero name: Dinoboy

Kwami: Intelligence 

Weapons: Dart arrow

Personality: Always deep in thought, quiet and very smart.

Favorite Food: Carrot 馃 

Age: 1206

Name: Trigg茅

Animal: Tiger

Transformation: Trigg猫 time to roar

Detransformation: Trigg猫 time to purr

Miraculous: Shoelace

Abilities: Sonic roar, Flight, Scream, Sneaky getaway.

Power words: Low roar, medium roar or high roar.

Superhero name: Striped Tigress

Kwami: Calm

Weapons: Shield 

Personality: Patient, doesn鈥檛 get mad easily and quiet.

Favorite Food: Animal crackers

Name: Vesokki

Animal: Devil

Transformation: Vesokki breathe your fire

Detransformation: Vesokki ice breath

Miraculous: Wristwatch 

Abilities: Flight, Breathing fire, Devil Frost, Speed.

Power words: Fire breath or Devil Frost

Superhero name: Devilix

Kwami: Loyalty

Weapons: Boomerang

Personality: Loud, energetic, loves fun

Favorite Food: Popsicles or Ice cream

I really like your Kwamis. I could never have made so many.

My Kwami鈥檚 favorite food is meat. She mostly likes rats and insects.

(3 edits)

Hey I鈥檓 new here but this is my miraculous kwami.

Name: Zaxx

Animal: Dragon

Transformation: Zaxx rise off the ground

Detransformation: Land softly

Miraculous: Locket

Abilities: flight, shape-shifting, fire dragon, water dragon, air dragon and plant dragon.

Power words: Fire dragon, Water dragon, Air dragon or Plant dragon.

Superhero name: Black Dragoness

Kwami: Swiftness 

Weapon: Bow and arrow

Personality: brave, a bit rash, hot temper