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Heres a warning for anyone on the web version, I'm pretty sure whenever theres an update, your progress is essentially deleted. Thats the only conclusion I can come up with for why my progress is gone.

Also, love this game, its really fun.

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One big question I have is why is there a random normal tree I can kill

waiting for 00:00:-1

22:34. focused on arrows first, got 10 of them, then got cannons. After maxxing those out, I just bought everything else.

I'm now nearing the end of this, I don't think I've ever felt this conflicted. I've refused the first two options, but I don't know if I should refuse the final.

Wow, this has such a good story. I'm not yet complete with my first run, but wow. I'm really hoping the ending I get won't be sad. I understand how often people like me look at the comments and kind of just dismiss them, but I'm so glad I didn't for this one.

Hmm, that was a game. I don't know if I had fun playing it.

This made me tear up, I am expecting the best game ever now.

Sorry to yell you this, but, you can't be on the switch.

Inverted controls hurt a bit, but that's fine.

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Does she not get a proper name? Also, this game is adorable.

Holy crap, that was adorable.

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This game is hilarious, my only complaint is that the audio for the browser version is not working. 

Edit:its working now. something was wrong on my end.

Not sure if I just have to wait a long time, but the web version is not loading.

The buckle my shoe rhyme isn't a meme...It existed long before it got popular on tiktok...Well I guess you could call it a meme now.

This was a fantastic experience.  I'll try to say this without spoilers.

My interpretation of the last window is that if you didn't send the report you would be safe since it crashed. 

Forgot to ask, will there be a downloadable version for Chromebooks?

I've made an account just because of this game. I like it.