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Max Morkson

A member registered Jan 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah sadly we ran out of time. I couldn't finish the protag's sprite as I had work the next morning, but the dev managed to put it in so there wouldn't be nothing there.

Same thing for the sound, we ran out of time and we decided better to deliver something incomplete than nothing at all :P

Thank you very much! I'm absolutely a beginner when it comes to animation (that's my second walk cycle ever) so I think I took more time than necessary on it, which then impacted my ability to provide the rest of the assets on time for Poioio, the dev. I'm glad it came out looking nice though!

We had intended to add a "simon says" type of game with sequences to memorize and enter, a "mastermind" type where you had to guess a password, and a "conversation tree" game where you had to convince the AI to do what you needed it to do.

I might have been able to do it if it weren't for my day job, but we definitely overscoped for the amount of time we actually had. ^^'

Omg you absolutely made my week! Hoping to work on the full game again soon, winter is tough for retail employees 😥

Thank you so much!

This looks pretty interesting but I have to admit I'm not sure what's happening or who any of these people are... I'll be interested to see what the longer game is though!

I can't seem to be able to control the character at all, I can just slide left and right... I managed to get to the door level by glitching through the obstacles, but then clicking on the open door button got me fully stuck and unable to move my character. I do like the concept.

Sadly I couldn't get it to play, it seems to always crash my browser when I try to water the first plant...

The little party horn at the end cracked me up. Would be cool to have maybe some environmental storytelling? like in the background, stuff that you could look at while you explore!

The art style is super unique and interesting. I want to learn more about our protagonist and all the people that seem to wait by that bus stop now. Alsp caught covid during the jam, I hope you're feeling better now!

That was super fun, loved being able to wall run and double jump. The movement felt really fast and satisfying.

Absolutely gorgeous art. Really enjoyed following along the narrator's thoughts. Agreed with some, disagreed with some. Felt a bit like hanging out with a friend and talking about whatever came to mind.

My favourite was Berry, although Levi's final ending was really cool and interesting.

There seems to be a small bug after ending five (Bon appetit) which bring you back to Berry's friendship ending. Otherwise, it's been a really fun experience!

Thank you for taking the time to try the game and thank you for the compliments!

There is actually two endings, one is just a little harder to get. The second ending is unlocked if you play as the most proactive version possible, letting the protagonist assert herself!

Thank you for taking the time to play, I feel like the transition to open abuse was a bit too abrupt but with only a week to get everything ready, I couldn't exactly keep adding scenes... X_x There's always next time!

Thank you, that's very kind of you to say!

Super cute and fun puzzle game, I loved the flipping/floating mechanics.

I enjoyed going through the rooms and spotting what had changed or not. The only frustrating bit was that I could see shapes that read as knives in the kitchen and couldn't pick those up :P

Only could get 3 of the endings so I'm definitely missing something, but I liked solving the mystery. The characters were very cute, I enjoyed getting to know them. Great job for such a short timeframe!

This was so good, loved the art style in general but the HandSome fella is my favourite. Although the merchant is a close second. I kinda wish I could have had more time to explore and just look at the characters, but then again the game would feel less tense, so it'd probably be less satisfying to beat it. The eye appearing whenever the nightmare spotted you was clever, I understood right away what was happening!

The music really helped with the dream like feel, just think it could have done with being a little bit less repetitive?

I know it's not finished but I really like the idea. It'd be interesting to catch glimpses of strange ruins and creatures the deeper you go! It lagged a little bit when it launched but then it ran without any issue during the actual game part.

It does, thank you!

the platformer part was kinda difficult but I don't play a lot of platformers, so I might just be bad at it!The art was absolutely adorable, I really liked the painterly backgrounds as well!

Totally fair, thank you for giving it a try anyway!

Thank you so much for the kind words!

Totally fair, it's been a pain in the ass finding creative common sounds for the ambiance I wanted, and some of them are definitely in the realm of "well, I couldn't find anything better so it'll have to do" X_X

Also thank you so much for the compliments and for taking the time to play my game.

The platformer mechanic seems really difficult, but I'm not a big platformer player: I might just suck. Loved the ennemies designs, the protagonist is also super cute. Kind of an enigmatic vibe to it all, I'd love to see more!

This is an interesting concept, I like the goons design, they weirdly give me "silent hill meets abyssal fish" with those round creepy eyes. The simple shapes are very efficent. It's not usually my type of games, but I'd be curious to see what it's going to be like when it's done!

The gameplay reminded me of Oddworld and I absolutely loved every second of it, I miss those kind of puzzle solving/timing sidescrollers. Very nostalgic and super fun, I hope you'll make more! I expected a "boss fight" at the final fence.

Got all four endings, good job on the animated cutscene!

it was really fun! I think you'd just need to prevent people from going back to prime flix, I tried to see if I could and I couldn't close the window afterwards. I was still able to play till the end, but it wasn't super practical lmao

either way, good concept and executions. Loved the cat pics.

9 survivors, 9 torched monsters, no mistakes 💪

Yeah same as everyone else, got stuck when I tried posting. I'm very curious about the story still!

Couldn't run it on firefox either, sorry.

Thank you so much for taking the time to play, and the praise. I really appreciate it.

Thank you! The two endings are fairly similar, the other one just allows you to take matter into your own hands lol

This was super fun, love a good cooking game! I have a few friends that I know will love it.

This reminded me of my grandmother so much. You should get a beta reader to check your spelling and grammar to avoid undermining the story :)

thank you very much! I wasn't going for terror, I think it'd be pretty hard to do with a visual novel, but rather a creeping feeling of dream lol

which ending did you get, I'm curious!

This was super nostalgic! I enjoyed playing it, runs super smooth.