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A member registered Nov 26, 2016 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hi, and thanks for the response. 
In one patch, i was able to defeat him. I forgeted to mention this, but after my post, i tried to see different outcomes and in another with the same pattern of fight, more than 7 of each color indeed worked. But, in the previous patch, even with more than 7 of each color or exactly 7 of each color, it doens't work (this patch the mc uses the artifact to fight back)

(1 edit)

Do you hav any tips for the "right amount of balance between attack and defense" i always lost, or I don't have the right amount of defense or of attack. I already tried ~ten times and nothing 

Achei a qualidade muito boa. É meio curtinho agora, como uma "prova de conceito", mas muito promissor. Dá para fazer bastante coisa legal.  You can try this one

Sorry to bring this up, but. Did your mother agree with you being cool? Or, the times we say that convinced you? hahah

First, nice game. In the priestess quest says lustful potions, but we have to do restrain potions.

And, why is so hard to find red berry? It's the most useful berry and it's really hard to find, with the wolfes and green berry/nut in the away. Maybe change or the %rate or recipes for use more differents things?

Also, i notice if i have so much ingredients i can't use the last ones while making potions(they dont show up in the list).  I have to delete some, so i can use the last ones.

I'll totally keep my eye in the next releases, the one thing i don't like so far is the grinding for red berry