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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hard to believe Soma Cruz got his start in this cancelled game! Very interesting to learn ;)

sick game

Let me know if the performance is improved, just pushed up an updated version!

(1 edit)

Thanks for letting me know, I'm using object pooling between 500 cookies, which runs fine on build but probably a bit overwhelming for a browser. I'll try reducing the falling cookie pool  size and it should improve performance

Thank you for the feedback!

The movement speed was something I was contemplating on reducing but I didn't want to make players slowly backtrack around the level, but yeah, in the end, if it were toned down a little bit it probably wouldn't have hurt.

Yeah, field of view in platforming, especially in first person is tricky, perhaps moving the camera a bit above would have helped with depth perception.

Thanks for playing our game!

There were a lot of really interesting ideas in this game that I don't think really reached their full potential. I really enjoyed being able to upgrade my weapons but it wasn't mechanically interesting enough to just stand on its own as a shooter, what I really appreciated were the texts in between levels to keep the player invested in the conversation and the puzzle aspects, such as pushing boxes, controlling vehicles and shrinking yourself to fit in tiny holes. 

It feels like a shooter with puzzle elements that unfortunately doesn't feel developed enough on either end. I still had fun with it due to the amount of variety, going from shooting to a new puzzle in every stage but I feel it really could have been significantly more fun to build on a core puzzle idea with each stage. Had a lot of fun playing this!


This game really spoke to me as a fan of the original Hong Kong 97. Excellent work

This takes place in the "Hero is Defeated" in the Zelda timeline, where the Cube of Courage is destroyed, and the only things left are cubes, digital replicas of the Triforce of Wisdom and Power, in the desolate future where everything is destroyed. This game takes place 10,000 years after the events of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, originally released in 1987 for the Famicom Disk System. The data of the Triforce of Wisdom and Power are still there, stored on the cubes tho :) hope that answers your question

Thanks Jacob, very cool!