Loving the new HUD! Keep up the great work!
Recent community posts
Some more experiments this morning:
- Lock on functions seem wonky, I can't seem to reliably lock-on an enemy when in combat mode, it seems I have to attack the Jaga first. This isn't always the case.
- Mahiki illusions don't always agro the Jaga, whether we're talking about the non-combat illusions or the combat illusions. I think it would be cool to somehow 'agro' my illusions against rahi, allowing me to escape, flank, etc. (in a later fight, down the pit with the Jaga under the block, I was able to distract one of the Jaga with my illusions while focusing on the other one; this was REALLY COOL! But I have a suspicion this only happened because I got the illusions and Jaga trapped by the rising platform in the middle of the room.
- Komau: when trying to to use this in combat, I would successfully posses a Jaga, but the attack animation of the Jaga was already in motion and immediately cancels my possession. I think we need a ranged possession for sure! Also, the lock-on for the Jaga upon possession should be reset. After possessing a Jaga, I tried attacking another one, which worked! But the other Jaga ignored the fact that it was being attacked. Idk if would be better to have the Jagas start fighting each other or flee from each other...
-Using the Hau in combat; I LOVE the effects! Much more prominent the harder the attack, which is really cool! However, I’d like to have some sort of feedback about when I am able to start using the Hau again after a heavy hit, some sort of cool-down effect on the HUD maybe?
-The Miru and Kaukau seem to be the only Kanohi that I can't use and remain in combat mode. I think it would be cool to jump around with the Miru or be able to fight underwater.
-Walking in combat mode seems slower than in should be. It seems that I can't keep my distance by simply walking but MUST dodge.
THIS IS AMAZING! You guys blew this one out of the water!
The following are my initial thoughts/reactions to my first play-through. I tried to give feedback concerning actual gameplay along the way, but there is also a lot of reactions and small bugs/glitches or unfinished touches that I am sure you guys are aware of. ;-)
Perhaps it' be good to change the Matoran's dialogue after initial talk?
LOVE the jumps! This is leaps (pun semi intended?) ahead of what the most recent Masks of power game feels like. Those felt like I'm jumping on the moon, now I'm back on Earth Baby!
I swung an attack almost immediately and didn't know how to leave combat mode until after checking the controls...
Cliff Climbing: Single tap 's' to drop seems too easy to accidentally fall = major frustration. Maybe a double tap and/or 'I'm about to let go' animation first?
I'd love to be able to move around the camera during dialogue.
Maybe a little notification/text whenever you pick up the upgrade, just to confirm my choice/see its effects?
CTRL to dive doesn't seem to work in the first pool of water.
Oops, stuck at press 1 for flamethrower.
Er, never got notified to press 'f', had to look up in menu. Also, know 'r' ahead of time would've been cool too.
Still not sure what rainbow pads are for... Saving?
As I switch elemental abilities, the icons above the bar don't make sense...
---- Masks -----
Simply walking up to a mask 'pyramid' is not enough to prompt an 'e to pick up'. I have to jump on it...
Komau: seems there are weird range issues. I have to be touching the Rahi...
Once I started mind controlling the Nui Jaga, I was already locked onto the Toa, before being taught lock on/off mechanics.
REALLY cool mask change effect! But for some reason, I cannot change to back to the Hau, even though an effect to change back to the Hau does occur.
I could change back to the Hau once I left the mask room and entered back into the middle room.
Hau: No visible bullets/shots coming from the turrets, although there does seem to be a sound effect of my shield being hit.
Akaku: Tried changing masks in the room, seems I'm not allowed to change masks in its specific room. I think I should get notified or something. I REALLY like the pulsing radar-like affect.
Matatu: It would be nice to have some sort of effect letting me know that I have successfully started moving a block. Also, a way to rotate/turn it would be nice. I think it would be nice to see the range of the masks somehow, maybe some button that quickly shows me range via a scan or line?
Moving blocks via Matatu seems very slow and boring. I can only imagine it being something that really slows down the game during some puzzle part. Maybe increasing the speed and having more defined ranges (both where I can grab something and how far I can push it); something along the lines of Breath of the Wild's Magnet ability.
Mahiki: Love Seeing the range/placement of the illusion in non-combat mode! If only Matatu had something similar!
Mahiki seems really cool with a lot of potential fun! I only worry about how enemy AI will react to my illusions!
The Collect all 12 masks objective thing is very big, annoying, and mostly useless...
Ruru: No problems or issues! Practical and cool. I only worry about having to ever use other mask powers in some dark area...
Rau: Oh boy, nervous just going in...You guys nailed it! I love it.
Huna: Cool.
Miru: Great, love how I can activate the Miru mid jump and start using it to glide! Maybe have some sort of effect on the feet? I'm thinking of when Pohatu used the Miru in the Tahnok Attack Po-koro animation.
KauKau: Huh, now I can submerge with CTRL... When submerging with CTRL, I always go a little forward as well, seems rather frustrating if I just want to go straight down, same with surfacing...
Kakama: I really like how momentum is conserved. Makes me curious about having Mask quick-switch features so that I could get a running a start with the Kakama, then switch to Miru and start gliding...
I do think I'd like a more happy jingle/feedback whenever I obtain a new mask.
Pakari: Pushing and pulling seems pretty weak sauce compared to lifting very heavy stuff and maybe even throwing them...
Several masks (Pakari, Matatu, Komau) seem to lack some sort of feedback/sign of when I can activate/ use them. Simply having a little icon appear seems insufficient, as I am constantly moving around to try and find the ideal position, and end up having it flash in and out of existence. Having something more similar to the Mahiki seems better, where I can see/aim the ability somehow. I would love to be able to point the mask 'abilities' somehow, as opposed to having to place my Toa in an ideal spot at an ideal angle that I can only guesstimate with and hope I press 'q' right as the kanohi icon appears.
----- Combat and final trial -----
Seems very late to have a combat lesson only now...
A skip/exit dialogue option would be nice.
I pushed the block w/o the Pakari by simple walking at it. Pakari looking more useless, though when fighting the Nui Jaga I could see a difference in damage done, but only when comparing it via normal attacks by watching how much the energy bar changed. It would be more fun to get some sort of 'strengthened attacks' feedback either through sound or visuals.
It was unclear to me why my first two fire elemental attacks were not effective at melting the ice imprisoning the Matoran...
The turret is mistakenly referred to as a Nui Jaga when locked-on. Also, after hitting the turret with an attack, I auto-lock on, but when I press the middle mouse button, instead of locking-off nothing happens, but rather lock-off only occurs upon the second click. This leads me to believe that the first click re-locked on after the auto-lock on from the initial attack. Seems we need a status check before applying a lock on.
it would probably be useful to have a tutorial practice switching targets for one reason or another. Also, I should automatically lock-off a dead/defeated opponent.
(at the turret past the pit with the Nui Jaga): Unsure why circle blocks can be moved by the Pakari but not by the Matatu...
Perhaps if there are blocks that require specific mask uses, I should be able to switch to that mask with a single press and already start using it? It seems a hassle to come up to a circle block, have an icon of the Pakari flash, hold Q to bring up the menu, select Pakari, release Q, then press Q again to actually use it.
I find it annoying that I can only push or pull the blocks without being able to 'strafe' (move left and right), really restricts my movement and slows down the flow of the game by having me waste time on proper positioning. This problem seems easily solved if the Pakari allowed me to lift the block, but I see how that could intrude on the 'territory' of the Matatu.
Drowning is weird, I'd like some warning and more urgency somehow...
The underwater translation challenge made it clear how important a quick-change mask feature is needed. I don't know if the best option would be the ability to assign hot keys to individual masks, or have a 'last mask' button (like the typical 'q' function in most shooters).
Playing this was a blast! You guys did an amazing job and I'm loving the feel and look to the game! Keep up the fantastic work!