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A member registered Feb 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for making the game!! You got me a couple of times with the jump scares as well XD

Dolls freak me the hell out, so good job with that ^^  Keep up the good work ^^

Ony tipped me off to this game and I very much enjoyed it:D
Love your stuff and I'll be sure to play more ^^

Hey!!  Thank you for letting us know about your game!!  It was a lot of fun and we had a blast playing it!  Here's the vid if you want to check it out ^-^

Super cool game!! Also love your other stuff (specifically The Possession Experiment, that one is amazing!!)  Made sure to follow to keep up on your stuff ^-^ Keep up the awesome work!!

Super glad you did end up finish making this game!! We had a whole lot of fun playing it (even if it wasn't always in the way you intended :P)  Looking forward to what else you come up with!!

That’s great! It was a lot of fun to play, I was so sad when I finish it :)

WHY ISN'T THERE MORE!! :P  Super loved this game, but it was just too short for a video, so I added another game to the video.  Love your stuff!! Keep it up!!

Thanks for watching :)

Super loved this!! Also, super glad to see you're still making stuff :D

Probably should've realized it was about Shia LeBeouf going into it... Super enjoyed it!! :D

Super enjoyed this game!  We played Alluvium before and loved it; was definitely not disappointed by this game :D

We had a bunch of fun playing this game!  And, no spoilers, but you did get me : P

Sorry it took me so long to get to it, but super enjoyed this game!

Thanks!! I'll totally check it out : )

This was amazing!! We might be super bad, which is why we took so long, but there was so much stuff! We love it!!

Had a fun time with your game! Would love to see more!!

Loved the game!! Didn't realize until later having both earbuds in is helpful Lol

Super enjoyed this game!!  Got me really good at one point :)  I hope we'll get to see more from you!

(1 edit)

I can't wait for more!!  I'll probably be just as scared, but that's kind of the point I guess...

We might be a little dumb and took a bit longer to figure some things out but we super loved this game!  We'll be looking out to see what you do!!

Absolutely loved this game!!  Big fan of your stuff!  Keep it up!!

Thank you so much!

We are really dumb and suck at puzzles, but we really enjoyed this game!

Didn't realize there was an ending, but enjoyed the game nonetheless!  Hope to see more from you!

Played this a super long time ago, but I do remember enjoying it.  (This was also when I was first learning to record so I apologize for the quality).

Haha definitely not Jokes are the only way I can deal with horror

We had a lot of fun with this game, but maybe not for the reasons you intended.  Still though, super loved it!

All I gotta say, lol