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A member registered Feb 02, 2023

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Dw, I'm bound to find someone who plays in Android like me. Worst case scenario I could manually switch the saves or something like that

Where is it? I've searched for it here but I couldn't find anything related to it at all...

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I download the file and start the game from JoiPlay like usually and it should be already updated or do I need to set it up again and execute the new exe? I noticed that there is a saves folder with my saved games (duh), do I need to move the saved game from the file of the old version to the saves folder of the new version? Sorry if I am asking too many dumb questions but it's my first time working with files like this 馃槄. I just really love the game and what you did and I want to keep playing.

Hey, I heard that a new version is coming up. Thing is, how will the update process work? I mean, once it's out I would like to get the new version but I'd also like to not lose any progress.  Thanks in advance :)