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Matt Slender

A member registered Jun 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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1. I feel that the grapple hook does has a bit of a force to it. Maybe tone down the pull for the full release?

2. I would love an obstacle like a falling rock that paralyzes you for a moment before you can continue again.

3. the milk seems kinda fast for this first run, so i would suggest that you slow down the milk, with it increasing as you get higher and higher.

thank you for the game. here is my reply:

1. It was very easy to place the towers and I knew what the range of the towers were for the sniper and the gunner. I would like to know about the range of the drone tower, as it only shows the drones flying about.

2. I think that a picture of the type of enemy coming would improve the interface as well as giving me a chance to add a tower based on the enemy coming

3. I think that the difficulty was good where it was. the bigger monsters give you an incentive to save your credits to build more towers, and the Leviathan really shakes up the way you play.

4. I was able to see the health of the towers, but I could go for a health bar over each of the towers as well.

I also noticed a graphical glitch whenever you put a tower near the settlement. part of the wall disappears where the tower is. other than that, it was a good prototype.

Hi, this is Matthias. The movement from left to right is a little slippery. It feels like walking on ice. Also, the jump is a bit limited. I couldn't get to the later part of the game because I couldn't jump high enough. I think that the camera work is just fine. Keep up the good work!

Hi, this is Matthias. In response to your questions:

1. I lasted about three minutes once I got a handle on the controls. I felt like I was playing a game that was medium to medium hard.

2. In the beginning, there were enough enemies that I could handle. Near the end, I was ganged up on by a horde of enemies. For the final build, I suggest that you tone down the enemy spawn rate.

3. I felt that swapping arms was intuitive and smooth. My only complaint is that the arms don't respawn, and there are a limited amount of arms to use. I know this is still in development, but its something to consider.

4.  The controls made sense and were really smooth. The only thing that I would change is by making the space bar be shoot, and the right click be switching out the arms.

5. The UI was very clear. I knew how much ammo the arms had as well as how much hits I had left before dying.

6.  I thought the art style communicated the game well, but I found it hard to gauge where the enemies were, as they spawned outside of my field of view. I think either a minimap or pulling out the camera would fix this issue.

7.  The only bug that I encountered was that you have the mouse location be where you are aiming your shots. While this might work for a FPS, it confused me as to where I was shooting. I believe that the character should shoot according to where the arm is pointing at.

That is my response. Good Luck!