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Matt is mad

A member registered Oct 04, 2020

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I’ve bought it 2x! One on pc and on my phone and it’s won’t work and they won’t even answer me I’ve been trying for 2 days I payed them for the game and it’s not working crashes before I can load a game

PLEAse  help I just payed for the game on iPhone 5s and it’s not working I thought maybe the Adds were crashing but it’s not workings and if you cnt make  it work I’d like my money back plz

Dear creator I bought this game on pc and I love it, so I got it on mundo iPhone 5s and it will not load a game, the actual app loads and lets me get as far as selecting wat match I want then as it loads the game crashes and takes me to my phones home screen I’ve tried several different advised tactics please help me