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Matilde Valente

A member registered May 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey, I've made a game for a college project and used your mouse animation, nice work. I gave you credit in the game description, the game language is portuguese btw:

Hey, I've made a game for a college project and used some of your sprites, nice work. I gave you credit in the game description, the game language is portuguese btw:

Hey, I've made a game for a college project and used some of your sprites, nice work. I gave you credit in the game description, the game language is portuguese btw:

Hey, I've made a game for a college project and used some of your sprites, nice work. I gave you credit in the game description, the game language is portuguese btw:

Hey, can I use this in a game I'm making and Give you credit? Nice work btw

I enjoyed the game a lot, it's  small and works very well for what you meant it to be. Good job!