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A member registered May 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Perhaps, both this and War Entities (April Fool's joke project from last year) are things I would like to do, but at the moment I can't work on another project, so it would have to be after Android LIFE.

I don't know if I can post the links here directly, but there are more links on my patreon page (no need to subscribe, the links are in a public post and in the description).

I had to do a quick patch from v0.4.0.2 to v0.4.0.3 because there was a image missing. If you run into that error, just hit "ignore" and you will have a black background for a couple of lines, sorry for the inconvenience.

Actually, it's starting to be more like a sandbox (within the limits of this type of games, of course) nothing too fancy, mostly navigation an interactivity with the characters.

Here is a part of an augmented reality HUD planned to be used in certain encounters. I usually post bits and pieces of  dev progress on discord.


No, forgive me for not responding earlier X(, I didn't want to do that in case I delayed releasing the update (which I did). It will be available to the public on January 12th

2 scenes with Rea ( The kidnapper ), 2 scenes with Lena ( The bully ), 1 scene with Emily ( The poor one) and one with Laura ( The commie ). 

It's taking me a little while since it also comes with the complete overhaul of the sprites and I'm adding some sandboxy elements to the game as a test for the future.

Smug sprites

New sprites

You get the locker scene if you refuse the money at the beginning (this leads to another scene with Emily later), and the library scene happens if you didn't grope Rea when she's sleeping.

Actually, there are three variants in the library, so if you groped Rea and then chose the scene where Lena becomes your girlfriend, you probably missed a variant where Kana masturbates while reading the script. 

They are all there :) Which ones didn't you get to see?

All the decisions from the beginning have some impact on the last scenes of the update, which end up influencing how much money you make on the second day and that gives you a different ending scene.

(I promise to make it less complicated for the next one)

Late November :)

I will upload it to for the next update, it should be ready soon. I did it that way because my upload speed is awful :(

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, UI design is not something I've totally mastered yet, but I'll definitely look into it. And thanks for letting me know about the bug in the "Bad start" section, for the mobile version I had to change the way the animations are handled in Renpy, so I might have screwed that up a bit haha.

Chapter one is included as well.

Not yet, I haven't had time to do it, sorry. But Chapter 2 comes out in a couple of days if it's any consolation.